HOWTO: count lines of code
From today you will not go mental anymore to write a script that count lines of code of your last project. No, because there is “CLOC” that counts them for y...
From today you will not go mental anymore to write a script that count lines of code of your last project. No, because there is “CLOC” that counts them for y...
Da oggi non ti dovrai più arrabbiare per scrivere un script che conti le linee di codice del tuo ultimo progetto. No, perché c’è “CLOC” che conta per te. É u...
Mail is a great mail client provided with OSX. It works very well, fully integrated and fast. Sometimes it goes crazy and doesn’t indexing mails’ content wit...
In Italy, where I live (for now), it’s not difficult to “emulate” a slow connection. Anyway if you want test your new webapp or you want see the behavior of ...
En Italia, donde vivo (por ahora), no está dificil “emular” una conexión lenta. De toda maneras si quieres probar tu nueva webapp o quiere ver como se compor...
When you perform an ssh connection to a remote machine, the first time you will be prompted to say ‘yes’ to authenticate the remote host. This feature is con...
Se stai facendo un sito oppure stai semplicemente navigando, puoi modificare direttamente dal tuo browser il contenuto della pagina. Queste modifiche sono so...