• :snake: I’m a CPython contributor and part of the Triage Team
  • :office: I work as Principal Software Engineer at Arm Ltd
  • :computer: I’m part of the Runtimes team where my main goal is to make CPython :snake: and its ecosystem work flawlessly for developers around the world on Arm platforms
  • :uk: I live in Cambridge, UK. Previously I lived in Italy :it:
  • :page_facing_up: My CV can be found here
  • :speaking_head: You can talk to me in Italian :it:, Spanish :argentina:, and English :uk:
  • :memo: I used to blog but I stopped many years ago. :hourglass:
  • :zap: I use some social networks: Linkedin, bsky, X, and Instagram
  • :male_sign: Pronouns: he/him/his
>>> import diegor
>>> diegor.smile()